Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

When will the burials start in the Nebraska Muslim Cemetery (NeMC) ?

Insha'Allah from July 2024. For more details refer to Cemetery Plan page.

 How to request a burial at the Nebraska Muslim Cemetery (NeMC) ?

Refer to Request a Burial.

Is it possible to buy or book a grave lot in advance in Nebraska Muslim Cemetery (NeMC) ?

No,  grave lots are allotted on first come first serve basis. All community members are required to ahere to the rules and regulations of the Nebraska Muslim Services/Cemetery (NMS/NeMC).

What will be the cost to bury in Nebraska Muslim Cemetery (NeMC) ?

Yes, there will a burial cost.  Refer to Burial costs.

 How to register or follow NeMC or sign-up for volunteering  ?

Refer to Contact us.

 How to donate for the cemetery project ?

Refer to Donate.

What is the overall cemetery plan and how much money is required to complete the project ?

   Refer to Cemetery Plan.

What is the area of land purchased and will the whole land be used for cemetery?

20 Acres of land was purchase in Raymond, Nebraska.

A portion of the land has been dedicated for cemetery burial (which can accommodate up to 2000 graves). Insha'Allah as needed more land can be allocated for the cemetery/burials). This area has been fenced off and has gates for access. Refer to the Pictures of the Project page.

The rest of the land Insha'Allah is open for community to start any other non-profit Islamic effort which will benefit the whole Muslim ummah of the state of Nebraska. Like:

The land in future will remain for the benefit of the Muslim community for generations to come Insha'Allah.

If I donated for the cemetery project, will there be a grave lot allotted for me?

   No, Jazak Allahu Kharian for your donation. Your donation was for the sake of Allah to build the cemetery. This is one of the best forms for Sadaqa-e-Jariyah and will Insha'Allah benefit you and the benefit comes from the Allah (SWT). There is no grave allotted to anyone irrespective of the amount donated.

Can the cemetery equipment be rented by the community members?

   No, All equipment including excavator and other equipment on the cemetery premises were bought for the Cemetery and should remain on the cemetery. No equipment will be rented to the community members. Legal action will be taken against the violators.

Does Nebraska Muslim Cemetery have a body washing facility?

   Not yet, Insha'Allah plan is build a body washing facility in Phase-2 of the project. Collecting donations for phase-2 of the project has started in the Ramadan 2024 and estimated cost is $500,000. Please donate generously for the phase-2 of the project. Refer to Donate.

Until the phase-2 of the project is completed, all cities will be using the funeral home services they have been already been using.

What will be part of the phase-2 of the project:

What are the rules and regulations of the NeMC?

Terms and conditions:

Nebraska Muslim Cemetery (NeMC) must keep a record of all burials and follow all state and local laws and regulations. NeMC strictly enforces the following policy, rules and procedure for any and all burials at its site. The location of the cemetery will be 18755 NW 12th St, Raymond, NE-68428.

1. When a Muslim death occurs and the family wishes to bury the deceased in NeMC Muslim Cemetery, a grave to bury the body will be assigned from NeMC designated person. Please request NeMC funeral service to make all necessary arrangements to bury the deceased. 

– NeMC works with a funeral home and a funeral director from the funeral home and does not have a funeral director of its own.

– A grave will be assigned after completing the information requested and NeMC will arrange for digging and burying of the deceased.

– Complete any necessary paperwork as guided by the cemetery representative.

– A donation to the cemetery operation fund is appreciated.

2. In order to assign a grave site, the following must be provided to NEMC funeral services by next of kin or guardian (see above):

3. After all immediate details are finalized, NEMC funeral services will assign a grave site, arrange for the grave to be dug and prepared. The family and NEMC will also arrange for the date and time for Ghusl (body washing and Salat-al-Janazah prayer.

4. Next of kin or guardians must meet in person with a cemetery representative at the assigned body washing place (which will be a funeral home) to complete all necessary paperwork associated with burial.

5. Next of kin or guardians must agree to abide by all NEMC policies and guidelines before washing of body can begin (Ghusl). The entire process of Ghusl, covering by a Kafan & Janazah prayer must be led by NeMC representative or a designate.

6. Ghusl will be performed by qualified NEMC Ghusl team members. Participation of family members is optional (but highly encouraged) and should be requested in advance.

7. After Ghusl the body will be covered in a Kafan and placed into a body bag and ready for transport to the cemetery.

8. Salat-al-Janazah will then be prayed on the body. The Janazah prayer must be performed by NeMC assigned representative or his designate. To ensure greater attendance, all efforts will be made to schedule Janazah prayer to coincide right after a regular prayer time and community members will be informed.

9. After Salat-al-Janazah, the deceased will be transported for burial to the NeMC Muslim Cemetery located at 18755 NW 12th St, Raymond, NE-68428.

10. All burial procedures will be as per Ahl-AlSunnah as described on the website location ( . Family members of the deceased should agree and sign this document before burial can take place. There will be no deviation from the rules of the NeMC.

11. NeMC burial procedure includes not using a casket, unless medically advised. NeMC burial procedure includes placing a body wrapped in shroud touching the bare soil in the grave. NeMC will use a Dome or a concrete slab to cover the body in the lower grave. There will be an additional charge for it.

12. NeMC does not allow any outside grave markers or gravestones. NeMC will provide grave markers and the cost of it will be included in the overall cost.

13. NeMC’s overall cost will include charges to be paid to the funeral home.

14. Funeral home will charge additional for Death certificate.

15. NeMC does not allow building a monument or structure over the grave. The grave top should be flat to the ground, except for the grave marker provided by the NeMC.


NeMC will strictly enforce its policies and take all necessary measures to ensure those policies are followed. Guardians or next of kin must agree in writing to abide by NeMC Cemetery Policies prior to any action. Attendees of funeral sessions will also be asked to obey all NeMC policies as well. Unless otherwise decided, trained NeMC funeral team members will perform all the services necessary for a proper Islamic burial.

The designated funeral committee representative will brief all attendees on standards of conduct prior to transport of the body for final burial.


These practices are not supported nor have any basis in the Qur’an and Sunnah. They were not practiced by the Prophet or the Sahabah and not allowed in NeMC burials.

– Putting the Qur’an under the head of a dead Muslim.

– Putting candles in the deceased’s room or on the grave.

– Use of Zamzam water on the deceased’s body.

– Writing on the shrouds/kaffan.

– Putting the picture of the deceased, his clothes, or articles in front of or around the Kafan (shroud) or the grave.

– Revealing the face of the deceased after putting the body in the grave.

– Planting or putting flowers, food, water, money or anything around the grave ‘to benefit’ the deceased.

– Slaughtering an animal during or after burial.